西卡中国简介西卡中国简介 总部位于瑞士的西卡集团成立于1910年,是一家提供专业化学品和应用技术的全球性公司。在建筑和工业领域内,西卡对于密封、粘接、减震、承重结构的加固和保护等处理技术居于世界领先地位。遍布全球93个国家的近170个附属机构将客户和西卡紧密联系在一起。 西卡中国总部位于苏州工业园,拥有9个生产工厂和遍布全国的营销组织,凭着卓越品质和产品多样化雄踞中国市场,为客户提供全方位的解决方案及强有力的技术支持。详情请浏览西卡官方网页:http://chn.sika.com SIKA CHINA PROFILE Founded in 1910 Switzerland, Sika is now a global company specializing in specialty chemicals and application technology. In the field of building, construction and manufacturing industry, Sika is a leader in processing materials used in sealing, bonding, damping, reinforcing and protecting load-bearing structures. A total of 170 production and marketing subsidiary companies in 93 countries are closely linking customers with Sika. Based in Suzhou Industrial Park, the regional headquarter of Sika China runs 9 production factories and marketing & sales network throughout China. Depending on excellent quality and diversified products, Sika China provides customer with all around solutions as well as strong technical support. Visit our website: http://chn.sika.com for more detail.